
Full Version: Romantic Sms
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If you want to be happy for a day, get a date. Happy for a week, get a lover. Happy till the end, keep me.
Can i say i love you today? If not, can i ask you again tomorrow? and the day after tomorrow? and the day after that? coz i'll be loving you every single day of my life.
I see sunlight in the morning and starlight at night. No matter what time is, you make my feelings bright.
Fallin in love is like goin crazy. You see beauty on the wall, hear songs all day long, say the darnest things and act like a fool. Goin crazy is wonderful.
Press 1, press 2. This text is for you. Press 3, press 4. What is it for? Press 5, press six. Do you wanna meet? Press 7, press 8. Can we be text mate? Press nine. I hope you don't mind. Press 10. That I become your friend.
Friends are gifts wrapped in ribbons of thoughtfulness and trimmed with kisses and smiles, given by God to stay not just for a day, but for life. Thanks!
I'm on a mission to get over you, in other words mission impossible.
Nice people are blessed people, ever friendly, always smiling, forgive easily, hold no grudges and keep no malice. Send this to a nice person. I just did. One measure of friendship consists not in the number of words that friends can discuss, but in the number of words they need no longer mention.
You must be a thief cause you stole my heart, you must be tired cause you're always running through my mind. And maybe I'm a bad shooter cause I keep missing you.
If I gather all the beauty and put them beside you, I would say I am sorry, there is not enough to copy you.
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