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Funny Sms
Sometimes my mind asks Why I miss U? Why I care 4 U? Why I remember U? Then my heart answered its simply bcoz mental patients need more care.hav nice day.
Love + Ship = Titanic , Dinosaur + Forest = Jurassic Park , Arnold+ Gun = Terminator, You + Your Smile = The mummy Returns..
Beauty Tip: If U Want 2 protect Ur Face From Dust, Mud & Other Such Things Then apply ASIAN PAINTS Exterior Emulsion on ur face 7 yrs guarantee!!
B. I. T. C. H. Beautiful Intelligent Talented Cute Horny r u smiling now? *YOU BITCH*
Unlike others ur brain is a master piece, It is divided in to 2 parts. Left & Right.. In the left nothing is right & in the right nothig is left.. -)
Do u remember ur childhood? When u wen 2 a doll shop, stood infront of a doll n askd uncle! How much is that monkey doll shpkper replied that is a mirror my child -)
Whenever i missU i vl read ur sms Whenever I want to see U , Ijst close my eyes Whenever I want to hear ur voice I throw stones at DOGs.
Your network tariff has changed! Call charges are now calculated according to brain size. The smaller the cheaper! Congrats You can make free calls!
Thanx 4ur support last year wth ur purchases v hv achieved gud sales pls continue ur kind support -M.D. Kohinoor Condom Small size division
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